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华星东方承建的福建省石狮市生活垃圾焚烧发电项目烟气净化工程通过72+24小时试运行 天天实时

2023-04-27 17:27:20 来源:华星东方



The FGC project undertaken by Huaxing-east for the Waste Incineration Power Plant in Shishi, Fujian passed the 72+24 hours trial operation on March 24, 2022.


This plant will construct mechanical grate furnaces with 2x750 t/d processing capacity, equipped with 2x15 MW condensing steam turbine generators. The FGC adopts the process of "SNCR + SDA + dry method + activated carbon injection + bag filter + fly ash conveying, storage and stabilization". It is an EPC project of Huaxing.


Huaxing-east"s performance in Fujian Province includes Shishi in Quanzhou, southern Zhangzhou, Jinjiang, Anxi in Quanzhou, Pujiangling in Zhangzhou, Jianyang in Nanping, northern Zhangzhou, Hongmiaoling in Fuzhou, Sanming Phase I and Phase II, Shanghang in Longyan, Xiapu in Ningde, and Changting in Longyan, etc.


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